Fruit Worksheet
Fruit Worksheet
Thanks to God there are lots of fruits in the world. Because the fruit is a very delicious and healthy thing. For example; watermelon. The lycopene that is in the water safes the bone health or increases the concentration and improves the memory. Especially the last two properties of watermelon are important for our children, am I right? Are there any children who do not like fruit, maybe very few. Also, to endear of fruit to children is significant because our children should benefit from everything. For instance, when our child wants something to have a snack, we can give fruit to our child instead of junk food or give fruit yogurt we can make it ourselves. We are sure that it will be healthier than others. Have you ever paid attention to any fruit’s inside, what does it look like? Now, let’s look at fruits’ half with your children. After you and your children had looked at, the children are going to cut the half of the fruit and glue them on the correct fruit. Lastly, if they want, they can color the fruits and cut and glue on something that they have.
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