traffic light activities for preschoolers

The importance of traffic lights 

There are three boys who like cars so much because as you know almost all boys like cars. When they grew up they want to buy cars at first. These little boys also want. But, because of their ages, they can not buy real cars of course but, they have got toys and they always play with them. One day, they decide to make a road and traffic lights for their cars in order to make real traffic. They make traffic lights and put in on the road. Then they start to play and drive their cars but these boys follow the traffic rules. When the red light is on they stop, when the yellow light is on they get ready to go and when the green light is on they pass. Because these boys know the importance of traffic lights. As you know traffic rules and lights safe our life. Their families told the traffic rules to their children. And so, their families are pleased to raise a conscious child about traffic lights and rules. Would you like to make traffic lights like these boys? Maybe we can also put it on our road okay?



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