Lion craft idea for kids

Lion craft ideas

Lion craft idea for kids

The friendship of Funny Lion

Micheal and his friends are very funny lions in the forest. They live together happily in everywhere. In fact, Micheal is the funniest lion among them. So other lions behave like it. Everything is well but one day everything is getting worse. Because a lion wants to dominate on all lions. Geoffery is the name of this lion. It is wild and does not smile. It wants to get everything. Geoffery thinks that all lions should service to it. So this lion aware of Micheal and it’s friends one day.

So it does not like them.  One day Geoffery talks with Micheal about the dominance of the forest. Micheal says that all lions have to live in the forest. So all the lions are happy. The opinion of Micheal is very grateful. But Geoffery hates this opinion. And Geoffery decides to kill Micheal. One day he plans and Micheal is trapped by Geoffery. Although Micheal is trapped by Micheal, he is still happy and he does not say anything. Geoffery is very surprised when it comes across with this situation.

Because Geoffery thinks that Micheal is very sad. So Geoffry waits to beg Micheal. But Micheal never begs, in contrast, it smiles to Micheal. Micheal says that Geoffery you are happy and you do not angry me. Micheal says it believes that you are not a bad lion. Only you are ambition lion and you are not even a friend. If you believe me, I will help you. So Micheal says softly yes I have not a friend and I am so sad. Because I can not speak any lion. So I hate everything. But I am very lucky to kidnap you. And Geoffery sets free Micheal. Micheal and Geoffery become friends. Geoffery is so happy a lion anymore.

Some lion kinds are like cave lion, America’s lion, Ethiopia lion,  Masai lion, Congo lion, Transvaal lion, and Asia lion. America’s lions live near Yukon and Peru in America. These lions are consumed and not known this consuming. Ethiopia lions are new kind and can live in Ethiopia.  Masai lion lives in East Africa. İts are known as Tsavo in local community language. Congo lions live northeast of Congo. These lions become extinct at the moment in Ruanda. Transvaal lion lives Transvaal area of southeast Africa. Asia lion lives northwest of India.

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