Halloween craft idea for toddlers

Halloween craft idea

What is Halloween? 

Do you know that where the name of Halloween comes? Halloween is the previous night of saints day. Its name comes from “all hallows eve” or “all hallows evening”. The tradition of Halloween depends on Celt culture that is 2000 years before. Celts celebrated the beginning of winter with masks, dances and death cult in 31th of October. But over time, they gave up this celebration. The first documents belong to Ireland and partly Scotland. In that period people invited each other to dinner. Children visited all the houses in order to take pin money. The foods in 31th of October were about mostly helping to poor. Why do people carve the pumpkin? It is thought that to carve of pumpkin depends on Ireland. According to this, there was a bad blacksmith named Jack, after his death, he was not accepted to heaven and also hell because Jack cheated the satan. There is only a piece of cinder in his hands, and he put his cinder in the beet, and he traveled all over the world forever. But the beet is not a local product in the U.S.A so the newcomers used pumpkin instead of beet. I hope you learned something new about Halloween, now what do you think about to make a pumpkin by using colorful cardboard and we can shape it

Fear of Halloween

There is a village named Frankenstein. The people in this village like horror things so much. So, people of this village are inspired by Frankenstein novel and they gave this name to their village. As you know, Frankenstein is a horror novel written by Mary Shelley. These people celebrated Halloween every year as regularly. Because in this festival, people wear scare clothes and they make up themselves by using dark colors. Again in a time of Halloween, all people make preparations for Halloween. All people are happy but only a boy is not happy.

When all people bustle about Halloween, that boy sits down on a corner and he shakes. A person noticed him and asked: “why are you sitting here? All people are very excited about Halloween and they bustle but you sit here.” That boy replied: “Do not say this anyone. But I am afraid of Halloween, these horror clothes, and these horror faces.” The man was surprised and at first he did not understand anything then he went home and he searched for it.

He found something and went to that boy in order to tell these. When that man found that boy he started to tell: “ you have a phobia. This phobia is about Halloween and its name is samhainophobia.” The boy understood the reason for his fear and thanked that man.

If you are not afraid of Halloween like that boy, what about to make a witch or bat?


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