Footprint craft for kids
Footprint craft ideas
Footprint craft for kids
Hello, are you planning to make some footprint craft? You found the right website for it. We also prepared a funny story. First, read our story to kids then choose your activity on the page after then start to make a footprint craft. Have fun!
Susan’s homework
When Susan turned back to home, she went to her room immediately. Because she has homework about the life of any animal. She wanted to choose raccoons. Because she was wondering their life’s. While she was searching for their life, she fell asleep. She met with a racon in her dream and she said:
Susan: Hello pretty raccoon. My name is Susan. I have a homework about our life’s. Can you tell me something about your life?
Racoon: Hello Susan. Of course, I can. Firstly, we live in lakes and marshes. We are both carnivore and grass eating. We hunt some little animals but we love eating walnut and blackberry. We are about 30-67 cm high and 1-12 kg of weight. Some of our colors are grey, some of ours are brown. We like going into hibernation.
Suddenly Susan wakes up and realized that a video is open and she heard all of the information from there.
You can draw a raccoon picture by using your footprint. You can also check Frog crafts for kids