Easy Dot To Dot Worksheet
Easy Dot To Dot Worksheet
Why is connecting the dots important? Firstly, it is important because of children’s hand muscle and secondly because of teaching literacy. Because, as you know at the school teachers teach to the line at first in order to accustom children to write something. On the other hand, in order to connect the dots, children also should know numbers to make true. But, your job is easy because you thought numbers already to your children in previous worksheets, did not you. And, this activity can arouse the attention of children because they do not know, what picture will show up at the end of the duty. But the most important thing is that they will not have difficulty in their school life because when they go there, their hand muscle will be ready to write and line. Now, you should start to make the activity as soon as possible. Children will connect the dots from 1 to 10 and then, of course, color the picture
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