Cow craft

Cow craft ideas

Footprint cow

Once upon a time, there was a calf that was living with his three sisters, two brothers and his parents. He had a great imagination. When he saw a shadow of any tree, he thought that it was a ghost or a creature. He called his family and when his family looked at it they recognized the reality.

One day the cute calf saw a footprint that does not belong to any members of his family. He was scared very much but this time he decided to not tell his family but found the reality by himself. That night he did not sleep, he waited for the owner of the footprints. But that night anybody entered the barn except his mother. He thought that he would not see the footprints the next day. But the next day he saw the same footprint and shocked. He runs to his mother to tell the event. When he arrived, he realizes that there was something like shoes on his mother’s feet. He understands that the farmer maintained his mother’s nails. Because when the nail of cows grows longer, the farmer cut them to make cows more comfortable.

Let’s make a cow Picture with our foot. Firstly paint your feet as you see in the example and press your foot on a paper and finally draw its ears.

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