Rainbow craft idea

Rainbow craft ideas for kindergarten

Rainbow craft idea

Today’s topic is rainbow crafts. Let’s teach our kids rainbow. First talk about what is rainbow and when rainbow occurs then read our funny story to them. Now all the children are ready to make a rainbow craft in the classroom. Choose one of the rainbow craft ideas on the page and start to make with them. Have fun!

Rainbow colored Peacock 

There was a peacock on a farm. The name of the peacock was Edgar. Edgar was a bit different from other peacocks. All peacocks had got colorful feathers of course but Edgar’s color was different. He had got rainbow colors on its feather. The other friends of Edgar were aware of this situation so they were jealous of Edgar. Because all people came to farm liked Edgar and they watched Edgar admiringly or they all wanted to buy Edgar in order to feed him in their gardens of the houses. The owner of the farm distinguished this event one day. Because all other peacocks discriminated. They did not want to Edgar when they were playing games. Because of this event, the owner of the farm decided to talk with other peacocks and he did. He said: “ my lovely peacocks, I know that you do not like Edgar because of his feathers. Yes, all people like Edgar too much but to be sure that I like all of you and I do not discriminate against you.” After that day other peacocks were relaxed and they understood that their worries were for nothing and they started to live happily together.

If you want you can also make a peacock that has got rainbow colors on its feather. And you can use only clippers, glue, and colorful handcrafted paper. Let’s start!

You can also check Easter craft idea for kids

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