Popsicle stick craft idea for kindergarten

Popsicle stick craft idea

The horse who loves a popsicle

Liza and Horsy were the little members of a big farm. Liza was the youngest daughter of the farm owners. Horsy was the youngest foal of the farm. They had many common ways. For example two of them loved green and running on grass. And also both of them loved popsicle very much. Mr. Bee who is the owner of the farm was bringing them many popsicles to them every day.

They were eating popsicles and collecting their sticks. Two years later they had a lot of popsicle sticks. They didn’t know what they do with them. Mr. Bee offered them an idea and they started to build a small farm with popsicle sticks. They used them both house building and hedge building. When they finished their farm, they put it near their playground and continued to collect new popsicle sticks.

You can make various things with popsicle sticks. For example, you can make a horse by using only three sticks.

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