flamingo craft idea for kids

The Flamingo that Found Happiness 

There is a flamingo on a farm. This flamingo is very happy. It gets on well every animal on the farm but until that day. One day the happy flamingo became unhappy. Because the other animals start to ridicule with flamingo about ıts legs and neck. As you know, the legs and neck of flamingo are long. The days pass like this and our flamingo cannot stand anymore and it decides to have a medical operation. The flamingo wants to cut ıts neck and legs so it starts to look for the doctor for this. Again one day the flamingo goes to a doctor, it saw its and old friend. The flamingo tells everything that happened. Its old friend that heard this is angry with our flamingo and says that: “ look! My dear friend. Yes, we have got long neck and legs but these are our feature. Its are special for us. All animal has got some different feature so nobody cannot say anything about this feature. Everyone’s feature belongs to yourself.” After that day the flamingo learns to live with its feature and it also learns to have peace of mind. Would you like to make a flamingo that has got long neck and legs

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