Community helper crafts

Community helper craft

Postman having toothache

There was a postman named Jonathan. This man distributes people’s letters, posts, cargos, and this man is loved by children in the neighborhood. Because Jonathan behaves very good to children and he buys chocolate for children so children look forward to their Jonathan uncle. One day, a child said that to Jonathan: “ Jonathan uncle, you are a very good man because you are a helper for the community if you are not here how people give their posts, letters.”

Jonathan smiled and thanked the child and turned back. Two days later Jonathan uncle came again but this time he has got a problem with his teeth unfortunately so he is a bit surly. This time, he did not see children and did not give chocolate. Children said all together: “ he must have a problem otherwise he didn’t smile to us.” Then they go to the postman and asked: “what happen postman uncle?”

Jonathan said: “ I am sorry children I have got a toothache I will go to the dentist.” Children also want to go dentist with the postman and went finally. Dentist examines and he gives the medicine to the postman. The postman said: “ as you see children there are so many jobs that help to the community like the dentist, baker, engineer. All have got different duties for people.

If you want you can also make community helper by using cardboard, glue, clippers, colored pencils and you can give as a gift to your friends.

Please pin this craft ideas and share with your followers on pinterest.

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